Sam Wilmott

Markup Languages -- Programming Languages          Experience, Insight and Innovation


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Words for Nerds




Bell Ringing



I've been interested in change ringing since January 1985, when quite early one morning, when I was living in Vancouver, the radio woke me up and there was one of the local change ringers being interviewed by the local CBC. I listened, woke up, went to the practice the following Tuesday evening, and got hooked. Only a couple of years after, I moved here to Ottawa, no change ringing bells close by, and I've got rustier and rustier. But I'm still hooked. I ring when I can, very often just two or three times a year in Victoria

I've tried forming a handbell change ringing group here in Ottawa. We've had a starting group on and off over the years, but nothing has stuck. I'll be trying again. So if you're interested, and local, please contact me.

If you want to know what the heck this change ringing thing is, or want to know more about change ringing on this continent (and a couple of Pacific islands), the place to start is