RXSLT Grammar

Within and between RXSLT commands, comments can be entered, starting with "#" and continuing to the end of the line. Comments aren't allowed within XPath expressions.

RXSLT instructions (top-level, within template and character-level) are generally terminated by the end of the line (or a comment ending the line). If an instruction has "content", like "template", that content must be either:

  1. prefixed by a colon, or

  2. be placed on following lines, which must be indented more than the main instruction.

In the grammar, where an instruction has content, that content is marked by a colon (":") in the grammar.

Instructions at the same level are generally indented the same amount. Alternatively, if a non-top-level instruction is followed by a semicolon, then what follows it is seen as an instruction at the same level, no matter whether it appears on the same or a following line, and no matter how it is indented.

Line breaks are also allowed where the following material is "obviously" part of the preceding instruction: mandatory parts of the instruction, following a comma, continuation of a multi-part string literal, or within a parenthesized expression. The indentation convention is similar to that of Python, except that content need not be all indented the same amount, just indented more than the main instruction. Due to the indentation, there are no "end" instruction markers in the language, except for the optional "end" at the end of the program.

The parts of the grammar are annotated with the corresponding chapters of the XSLT 1.0 specification.

2. Stylesheet Structure

 rxslt-spec = explict-spec | implicit-spec
 explicit-spec = (xslt-version top-level-att* ":")?
                 import* top-level+ "end"?
 xslt-version = "xslt1.0" | "xslt1.1"
 top-level-att =
     "xmlns" name? "=" string-literal
   | "extension-element-prefixes" "=" name-list
   | "exclude-result-prefixes" "=" name-list
   | "id" "=" string-literal
 implicit-spec = (instruction | result-element)*
 import = "import" string-literal

where string-literal is a URI

 top-level = include
           | strip-space
           | preserve-space
           | output
           | key
           | decimal-format
           | attribute-set
           | variable
           | param
           | template
           | namespace-alias
 include = "include" string-literal

where string-literal is a URI

 documentation = "documentation"
                 (documentation-element | documentation-comment |
                  documentation-pi | string-literal)*
 documentation-element = <name ... </name>
 documentation-comment = <!-- ... -->
 documentation-pi = <? ... ?>

Documentation consists of one or more valid XML elements, comments, PIs or string literals that appear at the top level of an RXSLT program. String literals are short-hand for XML comments.

3. Data Model

 strip-space = "strip-space" name-list

The list of names is the value of the <strip-space/> element's "elements" attribute.

 preserve-space = "preserve-space" name-list

The list of names is the value of the <preserve-space/> element's "elements" attribute.

4. Expressions

 expr = XPathExpr

An XPathExpr is as described by the "Expr" node in the XPath 1.0 grammar. Within an expr, line breaks and RXSLT comments are allowed, as described in the "Rethinking XSLT" article.

 pattern = XPathExpr

The same restrictions apply to a "pattern" as to an "expr". In addition, XSLT imposes further restrictions on XPath expressions used as patterns.

If an expr consists only of a slash, it will sometimes need to be parenthesized or the next item placed on a following line, to disambiguate what the next token means. For example, in the following, without the parentheses, "use" would be recognized as part of the "match" XPath expression:

 key top match / use @id   # Ambiguous.  Instead use
 key top match (/) use @id # or
 key top match /
         use @id

Fortunately this is only a problem in a few odd cases. But it's still something that needs some more thought before the language settles down completely.

5. Template Rules

 group-mode = "mode" name
            | "no-mode"
 template = "named-template" name
            ":" (simple-text | instruction | result-element | param)*
          | number? "template" pattern
            ":" (simple-text | instruction | result-element | param)*

where number is priority, the name is template name, and pattern is template match.

 result-content = result-element | result-comment | result-pi
 result-element = <name ... </name>
 result-comment = <!-- ... -->
 result-pi = <? ... ?>

i.e. a well-formed XML fragment with:

A result-comment or result-pi is a valid one of either in XML form.

 apply-templates = "apply-templates" ("with-nodes" expr)? ("with-mode" name)? ":"
                   (with-param | sort)*

The default for expr is node().

 apply-imports = "apply-imports"

6. Named Templates

 call-template = "call-template" name with-param*

7. Creating the Result Tree

 namespace-alias = "stylesheet-prefix" string-literal
                 | "result-prefix" string-literal

Together these two declarations make up the XSLT <namespace-alias/> element. The default for both values is "#default".

 template-content = (simple-text | instruction | result-content)*
 instruction =
   | processing-instruction
   | comment
   | element
   | attribute
 element = "element" avt ("in" avt)? use-directive?
           ":" template-content

The first name is the element name. The "in" name is namespace name.

 attribute = "attribute" avt ("in" avt)? ":" char-text

The first name is the attribute name. The "in" name is namespace name.

 attribute-set = "attribute-set" name use-directive? ":" attribute*

Where the first name is an attribute set name.

 use-directive = "use" name-list

Used to specify the names of a "use-attribute-set" attribute.

 text = "unescaped"? string-literal
 processing-instruction = "processing-instruction" avt ":" char-text
 comment = "comment" ":" char-text
 copy = "copy" use-directive? ":" template-content
 value-of = "unescaped"? "value-of" expr
 copy-of = "copy-of" expr
 avt = name

An "avt" can contain XPath expressions as per the XSLT 1.0 specification. If so, the name must be quoted, and the XPath parts of it surrounded in { ... }.

 char-text = (simple-text | char-instruction)*
 simple-text = string-part
 name-list = name ("," name)*
 name = XML-name | string-part+
 string-literal = XML-name | string-part ("+" string-part)*
 string-part = "'" (anything but a ') "'"
             | """ (anything but a ") """

Strings are like XML attribute values, except that you can split a string into parts separated by plusses and white space.

 char-instruction = 
   | call-template
   | apply-imports
   | for-each
   | value-of
   | copy-of
   | number
   | choose
   | if
   | text
   | copy
   | variable
   | message
   | fallback
 number = ("number" | "single-number" | "multiple-number" | "any-number")

"number" is equivalent to "single-number".

 number-option =
     "count" "=" pattern
   | "from" "=" pattern
   | "value" "=" expr
   | "format" "=" avt              # default = 1
   | "lang" "=" avt
   | "letter-value" "=" avt
   | "grouping-separator" "=" avt
   | "grouping-size" "=" avt

8. Repetition

 for-each = "for-each" expr ":"
            (simple-text | instruction | result-content | sort)*

9. Conditional Processing

 if = "if" expr ":" template-content
 choose = "choose" ":"
          ("when" expr ":" template-content)+
          ("otherwise" ":" template-content)?

10. Sorting

 sort = "sort" ("using" expr)? sort-option*

The default for expr is "using .". Note that the XSLT 1.0 spec says "sort cannot occur after any other elements or any non-whitespace character".

 sort-option =
     "lang" "=" avt
   | "data-type" "=" avt  # "text" or "number" or qname-but-..., default = "text"
   | "order" "=" avt      # "ascending" or "descending", default = "ascending"
   | "case-order" "=" avt # "upper-first" or "lower-first"

11. Variables and Parameters

 variable = "variable" name "=" expr
          | "variable" name ":" template-content
 param = "param" name "=" expr
       | "param" name ":" template-content
 with-param = "with" name "=" expr
            | "with" name ":" template-content

12. Additional Functions

 PrimaryExpr = "document" "(" object ("," node-set)? ")" # -> node-set
             | "current" "(" ")" # -> node-set
             | "unparsed-entity" "(" string ")" # -> string
             | "generate-id" "(" node-set? ")" # -> string
             | "system-property" "(" string ")" # -> object
 key = "key" name "match" pattern "use" expr
 decimal-format = "decimal-format" (name ":")? decimal-format-option*
 decimal-format-option =
     "decimal-separator" "=" string-literal   # default = "."
   | "grouping-separator" "=" string-literal  # default = ","
   | "infinity" "=" string-literal            # default = "Infinity"
   | "minus-sign" "=" string-literal          # default = "-"
   | "NaN" "=" string-literal                 # default = "NaN"
   | "percent" "=" string-literal             # default = "%"
   | "per-mille" "=" string-literal           # default = "&#x2030;"
   | "zero-digit" "=" string-literal          # default = "0"
   | "digit" "=" string-literal               # default = "#"
   | "pattern-separator" "=" string-literal   # default = ";"

13. Messages

 message = "message" ":" template-content
         | "terminate" ":" template-content

15. Fallback

 fallback = "fallback" ":" template-content
 PrimaryExpr = "element-available" "(" string ")"  # -> boolean
             | "function-available" "(" string ")" # -> boolean

These are expr grammar enhancements to grammar in "4. Expressions":

16. Output

 output = "output" output-option*
 output-option =
     "method" "=" ("xml" | "html" | "text" | name)
   | "version" "=" name
   | "encoding" "=" string-literal
   | "xml-declaration" "=" ("yes" | "no")
   | "standalone" "=" ("yes" | "no")
   | "doctype-public" "=" string-literal
   | "doctype-system" "=" string-literal
   | "cdata-section-elements" "=" name-list
   | "indent" "=" ("yes" | "no")
   | "media-type" "=" string-literal